Welcome to David Noel's Solutions Website

The Solutions Website contains answers to some of the biggest questions of science, including many for which the currently-accepted answers are wrong.

The SOLUTIONS Website presents the solutions to a number of puzzles, occurrences, and other questions which have baffled scientists and others in the past. These questions range from the deeply profound to the trivial.

Many of the solutions are novel in the sense that they go against generally-accepted answers, where they exist, and which mostly contain misconceptions and/or wrong interpretations of evidence.

These solutions are also all Ockhamized, in the sense that they are very simple, in fact the most simple available explanations of the topic.

All answers are based on detailed articles which form part of the Pages on the AOI.com.au website. Links to these Pages are given at the end of each Solution.

These Solutions are also all Integrated, in that they depend upon and support all the others. Where a Solution goes against a currently-accepted explanation, it may rely on other Solutions for complete scientific justification.

Solutions listed on this Website do not contain any literature references to supporting evidence or other sources, but all the appended AOI articles do include such references.

Current Solutions articles:

SL101: What is Dark Matter?
Finally the Real Nature
of DARK MATTER, a simple,
and obvious answer (once you've seen it).

SL102: How did the Universe Begin and Evolve?
but individual GALAXIES
have Long and Complex LIFETIMES.

SL103: What Controls the Earth's Temperature?
depends on PHYSICAL LAWS and
not on HUMAN actions.

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Assembly of this page begun 2025 Feb 18. Last update 2025 Mar 21.

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