Pumping Water to Usage Points: IdeasBank Memon

Reference 1937   Class: YELLOW

Availability: * * * * * * * *

When a floating freshwater lake reservoir contained sufficient water, the water could be pumped to the desired usage point through pipelines.


  • Because the fresh water is less dense than the sea water, the pipelines would float almost submerged at the sea surface.
  • Flexible-wall floating pipelines should be cheap to construct.
  • Pipelines could be in a grid network with a variety of transmission routes available.
  • Provision would be needed for shipping to pass through such networks, say with weighted pipeline sections which would be well below the sea surface.
  • With all the pipelines essentially at sea level, little energy would be needed to move water along them.
  • Development of devices and control software is possible here, with new approaches open to patenting or trade-secreting.

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