AOI work during 2015
Controlled Nuclear Fusion
Possibly the most important of David's work during 2015 is a short article on Controlled Nuclear Fusion. This might seem an obscure topic, but in fact it is about getting ABUNDANT CHEAP POWER from hydrogen.
Scientists have been trying to do this for over 50 years, without any success. David's article shows where these scientists went wrong, and how to do it right!
The Public is familiar with tags like "Taming the Power of the Hydrogen Bomb", and it is true that this source of energy could, if controllable, change the face of civilization. Using only hydrogen extracted from water, the process really could produce UNLIMITED CHEAP ENERGY without any carbon emissions, radioactive waste, or other nasty polluting by-products.
So billions of dollars have been spent on this, but always with a fatal false assumption: that the process needs a high energy environment. In fact, high energies suppress the process, and so all efforts to date have failed. The reason why is given in the article:
Why 50 years of nuclear fusion research has been wasted. (
The Solar System and the Greater Averaged Universe
Last year a trio of articles on this subject were added to the AOI website, and there is an offsite summary of these at
New cosmology explains CMBR, Red Shift, Dark Matter -- dumps Big Bang, Expanding Universe, Dark Energy.
Following on these three, it was realized that even more could be found on the matter, specifically on how the Solar System built up its mass in the past. So a fourth article was added to the trio, at:
P4: The Greater Averaged Universe (GAU) -- How the Solar System cannibalizes the Oort Cloud. (
And an overview article started at:
P0: The Four Pillars of GAU -- The Solar System and the Greater Averaged Universe. (
Things that Popular Science has got wrong
It is quite surprising, how many things accepted as part of popular science, are actually wrong. Of 24 items of popular science examined in a new article, only 4 have the correct interpretation, the other 20 are either wrong or unanswered. The article is at:
The Ockhamized Universe -- The new explanation of the physical cosmos. (
Earthquakes and Energy
Ask a scientist what causes earthquakes, and you'll be lucky if you get an even reasonably plausible answer. Ask them where the enormous amount of energy involved comes from, and they'll be stumped. The real answer is in the following article:
Two Keys To Understanding The Earth -- The Energy of Earthquakes, and the Cause of Expansion. (
Chinese characters
A new, much expanded version of the web page about handling the characters in Mandarin has been added. It's at:
The MandarWeb Website for handling Chinese Characters (Using Codels to Identify Chinese Characters). (
A YouTube video
During the year, David participated in the Dan Schneider Video Interview #34, a debate on Alternate Cosmologies. As well as the interviewer (Dan), and David, there were three US-based speakers.
The whole debate ran close to 2 hours in length, but a short extract of David mumbling about "Why the Big Bang Theory is Wrong" has been put on YouTube. It's at (copy this address into your browser).
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Last update 2015 Dec 22