Welcome to David Noel's More-Stuff Homepage --

Further divisions of the AOI "Always Of Interest" website

Access here for the following AOI-More Stuff pages:

The Cameos Website contains shorter AOI articles on specific topics. Some may provide support material or expansion material for other AOI websites.
Neutrinos, Sea-levels, and more...

The Wild Stuff Website for STRANGE items which possibly shouldn't figure in a RESPECTABLE website.
Some strange webpage topics

The MandarWeb Website for handling CHINESE CHARACTERS (Using Codels to Identify Chinese Characters)
All about Reading, Typing, and writing Chinese Characters

ACCEPTOLOGY. The Acceptology website looks at how new concepts and ideas are accepted, delayed, or rejected under various conditions of human societies.

LETTERS To the WORLD. Based on letters sent to organizations and editors everywhere, mostly offering helpful suggestions.

PANDORA-M3. A Pandora's Box of concepts for the Third Millenium.

ARGUABLE QUOTES. Quotations you may not agree with today but might accede to later.

DAVID NOEL BOOKS. View extracts and download PDFs from David Noel's published books "Matrix Thinking" and "Nuteeriat" -- new views on how the World works and on the physical and biological Earth.

TREE CROPS. Includes web data from the former West Australian Nut & Tree Crop Association Inc./ ACOTANC, the Australasian Conferences On Tree And Nut Crops.

SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES. Journal-grade articles, published or rejected.

MANDARIN CHINESE. Some suggestions and data on accessing Mandarin Chinese characters. (OLD VERSION -- See MandarWeb above for new version).

cardnotes. Under construction - raw ideas notes.

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Last update 2018 Oct 18