Rainfall originates in clouds. Vacuum balloons positioned in clouds could collect and condense moisture from clouds for subsequent use.
Cloud water collectors could be fitted with a big variety of physical extensions (spines, granulated surfaces, etc) to promote water condensation.
Water condensation could also be promoted by techniques such as applying electric charges to surfaces.
Water could also be condensed from water-vapour-laden air outside clouds, as is dew.
Free water-collection balloons could follow cloud movements and bands to extract water stored in their own tanks, then be moved to required delivery points anywhere in the world.
Tethered water-collection balloons could be linked through pipes to delivery points on the ground.
As the balloons would be at considerable heights above the ground, the water would have enough head pressure to flow to distant delivery points, perhaps hundreds of kilometres away.
Development of devices and control software is possible here, with new approaches open to patenting or trade-secreting.