The Origin of Volcanos

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Volcanos are hot -- hot enough to contain molten rock. It has been more or less taken for granted in the past that this hot rock has welled up from the molten core of the Earth, which has pushed up through 'lines of weakness' in the crust.

In the next chapter, we will see that the concept that the Earth has a molten core is quite wrong. Leaving the evidence of this point aside for the moment, we can see that it has a vital implication for the origin of volcanos. If their heat does not come from the molten core of the Earth, where does it come from?

It appears likely to me that the heat in volcanos is generated by frictional heating of the edge rocks of two domains sliding one against the other. The intense heat generated through friction is well known -- a classic example is making fire by rubbing two sticks together.

The heat generated through friction is usually dependent on the coefficient of friction ('roughness') and the masses and relative speed of the objects rubbing together. When we are talking about about Earth domains, these masses are enormously large compared to the everyday objects we see involved in friction, and their capacity to generate heat is equally enormous. It is certainly easily great enough to melt rocks.

Proposition 8D
Volcanos are created by the friction between rubbing domains

This proposition accords well with the fact that the molten rocks coming out of volcanos are generally of similar overall chemical composition to the surrounding country. If they were really formed by molten core rock, pushing up through 'weak places' in the Earth's crust, they might all be expected to be of 'basic' composition like the rock assumed to underlie the 'acidic' continental material. In practice, only volcanos sitting on oceanic-rock sea beds produce basic-rock flows, those which are sited on typical continental rocks produce acidic-rock flows.

The proposition also fits in with the known physical properties of rocks, especially their thermal properties. Rocks conduct heat quite poorly and also hold a lot of heat well. This is just the sort of situation where, if a massive amount of heat is injected through friction, a section of rock will melt and possibly become 'superheated' enough for the heat to spread slowly into adjacent rocks.

If the heat input is great enough, or is created close enough to the surface, it may spread enough to melt its way through to the surface and create a volcano -- essentially an artesian molten-rock flow or rock 'gusher'. If there is not enough heat for this, the molten rock will slowly cool, insulated by the surrounding rock, and allow crystallization to occur -- visible crystals are specially characteristic of acidic rocks such as granite.

Igneous Rocks

An important corollary of Proposition 8D relates to the rock the volcanos produce, and also to other igneous rocks. That is, that igneous rocks are produced by domain friction, and are not 'primeval' products left over from the Earth's assumed molten beginnings.

Proposition 8E
Igneous rocks are produced locally, through domain rubbing, and not from a 'primeval' Earth source

The existence under the surface of vaguely spherical bodies of igneous rocks is well known; smaller ones are represented as 'magma chambers' (magma is molten rock), and larger, solidified ones as 'batholiths'. An interesting point is that batholiths are normally elongated along the line of a mountain chain.

Figure 8.2 is a conventional representation of the rise of hot molten rock from the Earth's largely unknown inner reaches, and its further ascent to form a volcano. Shown is a large batholith, at the base of a thick layer of crustal rocks, itself connected to a magma chamber which has intruded into the layers of sedimentary rock beneath the land surface. This again is connected through a magma pipe with the cone and mouth of a volcano formed by the rock which solidified after flowing out from it.

Fig. 8.2. Conventional representation of volcanos and batholiths

Why should the magma come up from below and force its way through at this particular point? This is assumed to be due to 'weaknesses' in the Earth's crust at those points.

Now Figure 8.2 is obviously very diagrammatic and not to scale, but the situation it illustrates is, in my view, nonsense. No credible mechanisms have ever been suggested for why immense batholiths should happen to form at particular places, no reason for magma to be intruded and melt out 'chambers' at odd points within the sedimentary layers. In fact such behaviour is quite contrary to what we know about the flow of heat through materials such as rocks.

Worst of all, as we shall see in the next chapter, there is no evidence that the inner reaches of the Earth are made up of molten rock in the ordinary sense. This takes away the whole basis for the supposed pushing out of molten rock from volcanos through pressure from reserves within the Earth.

The concept of igneous rocks being formed locally, through the heat of friction caused by domain-edge rubbing, provides a far more satisfactory explanation for the observed facts. It explains why bodies of molten rock can be formed at quite different depths (friction having been more active there, due to waviness of the domain-edge surfaces). It removes the need to explain how molten rock manages to intrude into particular spots of the crust and melt out chambers. And it explains why batholiths are elongated, they are elongated along the rubbing domain edges.

Geysers and Hot Springs

As well as volcanos, there are a number of other 'geothermal' phenomena which are not so dramatic in nature, such as geysers and hot springs.

With geysers, visible jets of hot water and steam are emitted periodically from holes in the earth, and some well-known ones have remarkably regular intervals between eruptions. Geysers and hot springs are very often associated with volcanic regions, but they need not be. Along the Perth coastal sandplain, just inland from Rottnest and close to the low granite hills of the Darling Range, some hot springs and hot artesian bores are known. There is no sign of volcanic activity in the area.

From the domainographic viewpoint, these more minor geothermal phenomena are just a natural consequence of less dramatic domain movements. In the Perth case, the sandplain area is a slowly-moving microdomain shuffle belt, wending its way south with just enough frictional movement to produce the odd hot spring.

Proposition 8F

All geothermal phenomena obtain their heat components from domain rubbing

Next extract: The Origins of Fossil Fuels

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Last update 2014 Nov 25