Nuteeriat: Nut Trees, the Expanding Earth, Rottnest Island, and All That...

Welcome to the Nuteeriat Home Page

This is the Home Page for "Nuteeriat: Nut Trees, the Expanding Earth, Rottnest Island, and All That..." -- a suite of articles all about the Earth, its physical and biological history, and its interaction with Man. You can comment and see others' comments at the end of each article. For a quick dip into the bag, you could try NU004, which shows how studies on nut trees prove that the Earth is expanding!

NU001 ..... Setting The Scene .....

NU002 ..... How Plants Spread and Change .....

NU003 ..... Continental Drift And Earth Expansion .....

NU004 ..... The Distributions Of Nut Trees .....

NU005 ..... How The Earth Fell Apart .....

NU006 ..... More Distributions And Evidence .....

NU007 ..... Putting The Earth Back Together .....

NU008 ..... Making Mountains Out Of Movements .....

NU009 ..... Inside The Earth .....

NU010 ..... The Rolling Oceans .....

NU011 ..... The Earth's Atmosphere .....

NU012 ..... Death Of The Dinosaurs .....

NU013 ..... The Origins Of Fossil Fuels .....

NU014 ..... Geoprospecting and Mineral Riches .....

NU015 ..... The Moon and the Planets .....

NU016 ..... The Cosmic Engines .....

NU017 ..... Looking Back: the Final Synthesis .....


About printed and other earlier versions of this work.

Collected references from these articles.

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Go to the BCW1 (Beyond Conventional Wisdom -- Earth And Universe) Website.

Last update 2014 Oct 3